20% off of all-day, half day and 4 hour skipasses

Salamandra Resort

20% off of all-day, half day and 4 hour skipasses

20% zľava na 4 hodinové, poldenné a celodenné skipasy

Take advantage of 20% off of half day/all-day and 4 hour skipasses at Salamandra Resort. The discount also applies in the e-shop at skipas.salamandra.sk/shop, where after selecting the type of skipass (valid for 4-hour, 1-day, morning until 12:30 or afternoon from 12:30), selecting the type of skipass - ISIC/ITIC/ EURO26 and subsequent data entry, the discount will be applied automatically.

Využívaj 20% zľavu na skipasy v Salamandra Resort. Zľava platí aj v eshope na skipas.salamandra.sk/shop, kde po zvolení druhu skipasu (platí na 4-hodinový, 1 dňový, doobedný do 12:30 alebo poobedný od 12:30), výberu typu skipasu - ISIC/ITIC/EURO26 a následnom zadaní údajov, bude zľava automaticky uplatnená.