There is a growing discussion in the European youth sector on the importance of creating and connecting youth public spaces, in what is called youth ecosystems. A youth ecosystem refers to the available spaces, services, trained professionals (expertise) and legal frameworks that allow young people to fully express themselves and be active citizens of our societies. While the vast majority of European countries have one or several of these elements, it is becoming a growing need to have an integrated approach to offering youth services and designing youth-friendly public spaces.
Youth work delivered in these spaces actively contributes to building skills, knowledge and resilience for strong and democratic communities. The European Youth Card can play a strategic role in helping design and strengthen youth ecosystems, as it is directly connected to:
- Young people as ultimate beneficiaries
- Public authorities at local and national level, given than most of EYC services are linked to youth policies and the EYC has a direct recognition from public institutions. Moreover, EYC is equally a tool for direct service providers at local level, especially in cases where municipality cooperation is enforced.
- Private sector, through the 30.000 benefits and discounts we offer, can also represent an avenue to foster investment in youth infrastructure
- Youth programmes and good practices at European level: from the Quality Label for Youth Centres of the Council of Europe to programmes such as the European Youth Capital.
Acting as a meeting point of different elements that make for a good youth ecosystem, the European Youth Card programme puts forward, in this PA seminar, a conversation that aims to:
- Create synergies between public sector, youth card organisations, NGOs, young people and companies to youth ecosystems (spaces, services, programmes);
- Offer a unique space for members of the PA on Youth Mobility to build stronger partnerships with the European Youth Card organisations in their countries;
- Identify concrete ways on how European Youth Card can be embedded and play a crucial role in youth ecosystems at national and local levels.
Practical information
All participation related costs are covered by the organisers, as it followed:
International travel related costs are reimbursed by EYCA, through the PA on Youth Mobility, upon receiving the travel documents. Reimbursement will be done in maximum three weeks after attending the seminar.
Accommodation and meals are covered by the local organisers for a maximum of 2 nights.
The participants are responsible for arranging their own travel, possibly in a most economical way. More information about the local transport will be offered at a later state.
EYCA will reimburse international travel costs upon receiving the justificative documents, up to 400 euros/person and the tickets need to be booked at least 15 days in advance before travelling.
- Request for reimbursement (to be sent to all attendees)
- E-ticket/ invoice / train/bus tickets clearly showing the paid amount
- Travellingby car: 0.40 Euros/km, upon receiving the gas receipt
The participants’ travel to and from the event as well as their stay during the study visit will be covered by the Council of Europe insurance. The organisers do not offer a pre-booked ticket.
Those participants who need a visa to travel to Montenegro are requested to fill in Appendix III and send a scanned copy of their passport. Please note that the organisers will assist with obtaining a visa for the selected participants.
Please express your interest in participating in this event by the latest 21 April by filling in the online application form.
If you require a visa, please fill in the form ‘Visa application information’ at the end of this document and attach a passport copy, sending it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within the same deadline.
Regarding participation and visa issues: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Regarding practical arrangements: Corina Pirvulescu, EYCA: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Please carefully read the full open call and draft programme before applying: OPEN CALL