Reduced ticket

Museum in Brodnica - Castle

Reduced ticket


  • summer-winter

Reduced ticket on entrance. Located in: ruins of an early medieval castle and a 19th century palace. Exhibitions: early medieval armaments and historical objects related to the knights' culture, the largest European collection of arrow heads and butts for crossbows, which used to be produced for the Teutonic Knights Order in the 15th century, gothical sculptures, collections concerning the ancient history of the region and the town of Brodnica since 1285 until the contemporary times.

Na wstęp. Siedziba: Zamek pokrzyżacki. Wystawy stałe: Region brodnicki w średniowieczu", "Rzeźby i detale architektoniczne kaplicy zamkowej", w sezonie turystycznym Bractwo Rycerskie Zamku Brodnickiego przygotowuje przedstawienia."