Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje
50% off entrance fee; 10% off publications
50 % popusta na vstopnino in 10 % na publikacije
- Discount negotiated by SLOAM - Slovenian Youth Agency
- Going out
- 0038615484270
- Go to the partner's website
Museum of Architecture and Design 50% off entrance fee; 10% off publications. The national Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO) is one of the oldest museum for architecture and design in Europe, established in 1972. The museum collects, stores, studies and presents material from these creative areas at temporary and permanent exhibitions.The Museum collection comprises different objects, from plans, sketches, and models for buildings to various kinds of furniture, small objects, instruments andappliances, posters, other printed materials, and photographs. Almost all the prominent Slovene architects and designers from the twentieth century, as well as many photographers, are represented in the museum’s holdings, totalling more than 1,000 artists altogether.
50% popusta na vstopnino; 10% popusta na nakup publikacij. MAO deluje kot muzej ter arhitekturno in oblikovalsko središče, katerega naloga je omogočati izmenjavo idej in znanja ter vzpostavljati urbani, arhitekturni in oblikovalski dialog. Z zbiranjem in predstavljanjem dediščine MAO svojim obiskovalcem omogoča razumevanje preteklosti in prihodnosti arhitekture, oblikovanja in fotografije.
1000 Ljubljana
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