10% discount on all tours and services available on the official website

''Peristeron'' Golubac - Tours

10% discount on all tours and services available on the official website

10% popusta na sve ture i usluge koje se nalaze na zvaničnom web sajtu

  • summer

Get to know Golubac and Djerdap from all sides, romantic cruises on the Danube and tourist excursions near Golubac, organized by an expert guide who is a historian by profession. Cruises, bicycle excursions, walking tours and excursions will make your visit to Golubac an unforgettable experience. With EYCA card you have 10% discount on all tours and services that are on the official website.

Upoznajte Golubac i Đerdap sa svih strana, romantična krstarenja Dunavom i turistički izleti u okolini Golupca u organizaciji stručnog vodiča koji je po profesiji istoričar. Krstarenja, izleti biciklom, pešačke ture i izleti će učiniti tvoju posetu Golupcu nezaboravnim iskustvom. Sa EYCA karticom imaš 10% popusta na sve ture i usluge koje se nalaze na zvaničnom web sajtu.