10% off baguettes, sandwiches, cakes and pastries

Bagetéria K Prešov

10% off baguettes, sandwiches, cakes and pastries

10% zľava na bagety, sendviče, koláče, pečivo

Bageteria Krotuchem is a small chain of sandwich shops in the eastern Slovakia in Prešov. Visit one of their locations, show your ISIC card and get 10% off baguettes, sandwiches, cakes and pastries. Discount does not apply to goods with reduced prices and student sandwiches. To claim this discount it is neccessary to have a card with bare code.

Využívaj 10% zľavu na bagety, sendviče, koláče, pečivo.v Bagetérii K v Prešove.Zľava sa vzťahuje na všetko okrem akciových produktov a študentských sendvičov. Na uplatnenie zľavy je potrebné preukázať sa preukazom s čiarovým kódom.