Optika Kuburić
10% discount on the complete offer
10% popusta na kompletnu ponudu
- Discount negotiated by Center for Youth Education
- Services
- optika.kuburicigalo@gmail.com
- 38269182471
- Go to the partner's website
In Kuburić optics you can find a large selection of branded frames for sight and sun. All types of contact lenses and glasses for vision correction. How can you use your discount? Before using the discount, it is necessary to show the EYCA Card with a photo and contact details.
U optici Kuburić možete pronaći veliki izbor brendiranih okvira za vid i sunce. Sve vrste kontaktnih sočiva i stakala za korekciju vida. Kako možeš iskoristiti popust? Prije korišćenja popusta, neophodno je na prodajnom mjestu pokazati EYCA karticu sa istaknutom fotografijom i upisanim podacima.
85340 Herceg Novi
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