
Call for tenders: Researcher

EYCA together with the Council of Europe have been implementing, as part of this cooperation, several thematic seminars and activities every year. While the signatory states of the Partial Agreement had priority in attending these events, other stakeholders – civil society, Governments of non-signatory states, youth workers, young people themselves – were always present.

As part of its efforts to better understand the impact of these activities on all stakeholders who directly or indirectly benefitted from them, EYCA is looking to hire research services for a maximum duration of 6 months (until 1 September 2025).

In this context, EYCA is looking for a researcher / team of researchers to support with research instrument design, collecting data and analyse the collected data.


Time frame of the contracting process and key dates:

  • Deadline to submit documentation: 20 February
  • Evaluation of received offers and selection: by 25 February
  • Contractual dates: 1 March – 31 August 2025

Estimated budget: The maximum budget available is 6000 - 8000€ (VAT included).

Interested candidates are invited to submit the following documentation:

  • CVs and Portfolio with links to previous publications
  • Financial offer, including expected number of working days, fee per day (VAT included) and estimated distribution of working days throughout the four months of contract
  • A draft plan of proposed research and approach.

All documents should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later 20 February 2025.