EYCA, Eurodesk and ERYICA call for more focus on youth mobility and information in the new EU Youth Strategy

The three main European networks for youth information and youth mobility have joined forces to develop a set of recommendations for the new EU Youth Strategy. The position paper entitled Engage. Inform. Empower elaborates on the recommendations of the three networks and stresses the importance of making youth information and mobility opportunities available to all young Europeans.

In terms of youth information, the three networks called for support in making quality youth information easily available to all young people, further developing information tools such as the European Youth Portal and more focus on involving young people in the production of youth information. To ensure the provision of quality youth information across the EU, the networks recommended the development of an ambitious Youth Information Strategy as one of the pillars of the new EU Youth Strategy.

The networks also called for youth mobility to be recognised as one of the key pillars of the EU Youth Strategy in order to encourage member states to mainstream youth mobility in their national policies, thus developing programmes and opportunities that would offer access to a learning, volunteering or working mobility experiences to all young people. EYCA, ERYICA and Eurodesk believe that every young citizen should have the right to participate at least once in European and international mobility programmes. This involves supporting young people from disadvantaged groups to overcome potential barriers to have access to mobility opportunities. In addition, the Erasmus+ programme should be expanded as it represents one of the most successful European programmes and can contribute enormously to building a more open, tolerant and resilient society.

For the full text of the position paper, please click here