Focussing on young people’s needs and delivering programmes that truly help them is always our priority. This is why in the past few years many of our members and the Association as a whole have prioritised the development of programmes that boost young people’s employability and entrepreneurship in cooperation with the business sector.
CSR Europe is the leading European business network for Corporate Social Responsibility reaching over 10,000 companies. The network has been our main partner in our youth employability and entrepreneurship projects, providing expertise and insights into the needs of companies and the world of work.
European Pact for Youth
The European Pact for Youth is a mutual engagement of business, European Union leaders, youth organisations and educational institutions. Initiated by CSR Europe, it aims to develop or consolidate partnerships in support of youth employability and inclusion, in order to find solutions for a pro-youth, pro-innovation, sustainable Europe.
EYCA became a member of the European Pact 4 Youth in 2016 and is part of its Sherpa Group, bringing an NGO’s perspective to the table and helping to prepare the Pact’s position papers and events.
Click here for more information on the European Pact 4 Youth.