The new edition of the European Youth Card encourages youth civic participation

The European Youth Card Association offers young people a free special edition of the European Youth Card, valid until 31 July 2022.


This new digital edition marks the celebration of the Conference on the Future of Europe process, a unique and timely opportunity for young European citizens to debate on Europe’s challenges and priorities.

If you’re under 31 years old, hurry up and get it! It gives you access to over 37,000 discounts and opportunities in almost 40 countries across Europe. We believe young people’s determination to speak for the things that matter to them is key to shaping our future.

This special edition has been conceived as a token for our appreciation to young people’s civic engagement. Moreover, we have launched the #STANDFORSOMETHING project, a youth-led campaign with citizens’ outreach events being held across 16 European countries.

At its core are 21 Youth Activists, each driven to gather the views of their peers and bolster youth-involvement in the Future of Europe Conference. The ideas gathered by these young volunteers during their outreach activities will also be included in a research and be fed into the Future of Europe Conference.

The #The STANDFORSOMETHING initiative is funded by the European Parliament and implemented in partnership with the European Youth Card Association (EYCA) and its member organisations, targeting a community of 7 million cardholders across Europe.

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