Spain - Euskadi
Eusko Jaurlaritza – Gobierno Vasco / Gazteria eta Erronka Demografikoaren Sailburuordetza – Viceconsejería de Juventud y Reto Demográfico / Gazteria eta Emantzipazio Zuzendaritza – Dirección de Juventud y Emancipación
Donostia-San Sebastián, 1 (01010 Vitoria-Gasteiz)
- +34945019511
- Gazteaukera
- Gazteaukera
- gazteaukera
Organisation Profile
Gazte-txartela is a service of the Basque Government, which through joint action of the Public Administration and private companies, offers discounts and benefits throughout Europe to young people between 14 and 29 years of Euskadi, with the aim of increasing their quality of life and encourage their participation and integration in society.
Find out more about the card in Spain – Euskadi.