Spain - Murcia

Dirección General de Juventud CARM
C/ Catedrático Eugenio Úbeda, 3-3ª pl. | CP 30008 Murcia, SPAIN
- 0034968357275
Organisation Profile
The Direction of Youth Management, it's the Public Authority that coordinates the youth policies in the Murcia region.
The main functions it performs are the support for young people in their process of transition to adult and active life, cultural promotion, encouraging participation and youth associations and the development of leisure activities, tourism and youth exchanges.
To carry out these functions, manages some programs and activities to cover both aid and grants, youth hostel management and camps, the organization of volunteer activities and youth training programs.
The European Youth Card program is a service of the Autonomous Government of Murcia Región included in its youth policies to stimulate social participation, promote culture, mobility and the emancipation of young people in dignified conditions, as well as to facilitate their access to goods and services of a social, cultural, economic, educational, recreational, sports, consumer, transportation and other nature.
Find out more about the card in Spain – Murcia.