

What actions address the diverse needs and opportunities of rural youth?


Rural youth face unique challenges. While the struggles related to housing and intergenerational mixing are apparent in both rural and urban areas; reliable transport systems, accessible public infrastructure and cultural extra-curricular activities are just some of the more widespread obstacles people face in remote areas.

With this, rural development has become a key focus of European institutions. Policy proposals by the Hungarian presidency, ongoing projects such as the Rural Pact of the European Commission, and ongoing research by the Council of Europe is put a clear emphasis on the opportunities and needs linked to young people in rural areas. In this light, the EYCA Youth Panel launched their Rural Youth Project, to engage with and learn from young people in remote areas. 

And yet, key questions remain: How to share actions that fit the diverse demographics of rural youth? What tools can be implemented by EU institutions? How deep is the cooperation between local level and European actors? 

Join us for an open discussion with Anna Strolenberg, MEP and member of the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee; and Babis Papaioannou, Policy Officer for Youth policy and Programmes at the European Commission. Insights from the participants will be actively encouraged in this horizontal-style exchange. 

When: Monday 28 October 2024, from 17.00-18.30 (followed by networking drinks)

Where: Full Circle (Chau. de Vleurgat 89, 1050 Ixelles)

Registration is mandatory as spots are limited